Oil & Gas
North Slope Natural Gas Refinery
$2.3 billion
Background: With an estimated 8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 200 million barrels of natural gas condensate, the Point Thomson gas reservoir represents about 25 percent of known gas resources on the North Slope. ExxonMobil brought Point Thomson online with production facilities designed to produce and reinject 200 million cubic feet of gas per day, and produce up to 10,000 barrels of natural gas condensate per day.
Project Work: CM Solutions served as the lead project scheduler for the design firm, Worley Parsons, providing overall quality and consistency control of the three-year phased project including sealift and truckable modules to the North Slope in Alaska from various locations throughout the world. CM Solutions also developed baseline schedule standards and monthly update deliverables, provided management and training to scheduling team members, and acted as construction team liaison.
Services Provided: Scheduling, Construction Team Liaison, Specification/Standards Development, Training